Extremely balanced individual with a lot of class and athleticism. Producing All-Around Versatile Athletes, that are Barrel, Pole, Breakaway and Team Roping Champions!! Standouts include: DMR IM KINDA SPECIAL & Skye Miller in the Barrels and SPECIAL KINDA PEPPER & Kaleb Driggers in the Team Roping.
FRENCHMANS GUY A Leading Barrel Futurity Sire; Progeny Earnings in Excess of $13 Million | Sun Frost All-Around Performance Sire; Sire Of Championship Rodeo Athletes; 4x World Champion Barrel Horse And AQHA, PRCA Horse Of The Year; Dakota Classic Cutting Futurity Champion; Progeny Earners Over $2.2 Million | Docs Jack Frost A NCHA Certificate Of Ability; 1972 NCHA Derby Finalist; Sire Multiple Performance ROM; Superior Performance Sire; Two AQHA World Champions, Cutting, Two Hi-point Cutting Sire NFR Barrel Racing Qualifier |
Prissy Cline Producer ROM Arena; ROM Race | ||
Frenchmans Lady 1972 Sorrel Mare; Dam Of AA Stakes Winner, ROM Race; Producer DNCFR Barrel Champion; Badlands Circuit Champion; Barrel Futurity Champions; Producer Of Cutting Champions And Working Cowhorse Money Earners; Progeny Earnings $185,000 | Laughing Boy AA Sire Of Multiple AAAT, AAA, AA Stakes Winners; ROM Race; An Outstanding Maternal Sire | |
Casey’s Ladylove Producer AAA, AA, NFR Qualifier; Multi Producer Of Race, Barrel Racing Performance Champions; An All-Time Leading Performance Granddam |
MELT AWAY AAA Producer | Special Leader SI 103 World Champion; Winner of Champions Of Champions; Race Earnings $292,605 | Special Effort SI 104 World Champion; $1.2 Million Race Earnings |
Miss Eye Opener SI 98 Race Earnings $88,468 | ||
Coming Alive SI 83 Dam to AAA With Earnings of $200,000+ | Bugs Alive In 75 SI 94 Race Earnings $88,468 | |
Chicaric |
Stallion Incentives: Future Fortunes, Royal Crown, Breeders Challenge, Tomorrow’s Legends, The Diamond Classic, WPRA PESI, 5-State/Nexus, Gridiron, Colorado Classic, Cowboy State Stallion Incentive, VGBRA, Cornhuskers, BRIF, Riata Buckle, Gold Buckle Futurities, GBF Elite Breeders
Total AQHA Foals: 211
Total Earnings: $294,236
(Earnings include NCHA weekend money)
Number of Money-Earners: 42
Average Earnings Per Money-Earner: $7,005.62
Total AQHA Points Earned: 4
Number of AQHA Point-Earners: 1
Average AQHA Points Earned per Point-Earner: 4
Barrel: $268,812.80
Roping (All): $25,263.67
Pole Bending: $160.00
By FRENCHMANS GUY (1987). money-earner Dakota West Barrels Open Futurity. A sire of 1,064 money-earners, $13,507,636, and earners of 2,569 AQHA points; including MORNING TRAFFIC ($483,197: Titletown WCRHA Rodeo Barrels Finals Champion), TEASIN DAT GUY ($437,560: PRCA/WPRA NFR Rodeo Barrels Average Reserve Champion), BRING IT ON GUYS ($347,886: Titletown WCRHA Rodeo Barrels Finals Reserve Champion), GUYS FRENCH JET ($289,212: PRCA/WPRA NFR Rodeo Barrels Average Reserve Champion).
1st dam
Melt Away, by Special Leader. 3rd NBHA Dixie Super Show Barrels Youth 2D. Dam of 8 AQHA foals age 3 & over, 3 money-earners, including–
Mini Melt SI 93 (f. by First To Flash). APHA Race Champ Aged Mare, 2 race wins, $14,081. Dam of–
Little Pyc SI 96 (c. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 2 race wins, $40,861, 3rd Mystic Lake Northlands Futurity, finalist Remington Park Juv. S. [R].
Anns Mini SI 92 (f. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). Race winner, $15,772.
Ba Little Mini (f. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). Race winner, $14,994. Dam of–
VALENTINA RELENTLESS SI 96 (f. by Hes Relentless). 3 race wins, $54,434.
Offshore Dash SI 92 (f. by Fishers Dash). Race winner, $5,402.
Easy Meltdown SI 93 (g. by Holland Ease). 5th D & G Barrels Chickasha February Day 3 3D. Race winner, $4,785.
Guys Special Leader (c. by Frenchmans Guy). 3rd B Tuff Barrels Day 3 3D, 3rd Gridiron Barrels Maturity Average Open 2D.
2nd dam
Coming Alive SI 83, by Bugs Alive In 75. Race winner. Dam of–
MELTDOWN SI 98 (c. by First Down Dash). 4 race wins, $247,855, won Ruidoso Futurity [G1], 2nd Rainbow Futurity [G1].
Double Down Six SI 88 (f. by Sixarun). Race winner, $8,206. finalist Bandera Six Flags Futurity [G3], Bandera Downs Futurity [G3].
Madam Cartel SI 96. 2 race wins, $23,214, 2nd East Juvenile Challenge [G3], finalist TQHA Sires Cup Futurity [R] [G2], qualified Heritage Place Juv. S. [R].
Traffic Reporter SI 92. 2 race wins, $15,437, 2nd Santa Maria H. 3rd QHBC Breeders Classic Futurity-2nd Div, finalist Oceanside H. [R].
3rd dam
Chicaric SI 95, by Alamitos Bar. 3 race wins, $9,989, 2nd AQRA Lassie Stakes, . Dam of–
ALAPASS SI 101 (Pass Em Up TB). 5 race wins, $110,385, won Lafayette Futurity, Go Man Go Classic H. Laguna Beach H. finalist St Nicholas Express H. [R] [G3]. Dam of HOLLAND HOLLYWOOD SI 97 ($136,519 [G2]).
Holland Honey SI 99. 2 race wins, $51,400, 3rd New Mexico Distaff Challenge [G3],finalist West/Southwest Juvenile Challenge [G3].
Pass It Down SI 88. Race placed, $9,349, 3rd Sun Country Futurity [G1].
Aladashing SI 94. 4 race wins, $15,176. Dam of Hook Em Up Bully SI 105 ($158,186 [G3]),
Cool Down SI 98. Race placed, $4,307. finalist The Classics Futurity [R].
Evening High (On A High). $3,658 and 6 AQHA points: Fall Ardmore Barrels Futurity Champion.
Alaquest SI 88 (Beduino TB). 2 race wins. Dam of–
Beduinos Quest SI 96. Race winner, $11,100, 2nd Twaynas Dash Futurity [G3], finalist Idaho Cup Futurity [R] [G3].
4th dam
Chica Chick SI 85, by Little Request TB). 2 race wins. Dam of–
ALACHIC SI 99 (Alamitos Bar). 9 race wins, $87,024, won Sophomore Invitational H. 2nd Vessels Maturity, Independence Day H. Shue Fly Stakes, 3rd Z Wayne Griffin Directors Stakes, Railsplitter Invitational Stakes .
Chicaric (Alamitos Bar). Above.
QDATA-CB 1/202
DMR Im Kinda Special, 2018 Sorrel M 5989332 (Ima Special Kindaguy – A Short Night, By Short Oak)
Total QData Earnings: $143,752
Owner/Rider: Skye Miller/Skye Miller
French Dynamite Stik, 2017 Sorrel G X0730283 (Ima Special Kindaguy – Carol Can Rock, By Boonsmal Colonel)
Total QData Earnings: $29,746
Owner/Rider: Lora And Nick Nichols/Lora Nichols
HH Xxiv Karat Magic, 2017 Buckskin M 5836904 (Ima Special Kindaguy – Dynamite Rain, By Montana Easy Move)
Total QData Earnings: $22,159
Owner/Rider: Nikki Hansen/Nikki Hansen
Special Kinda Pepper, 2019 Sorrel M 5987961 (Ima Special Kindaguy – Ima Pretty Pepper, By Annies Little Pepper)
Total QData Earnings: $20,639
Owner/Rider: Kingpin Genetics/Andy Holcomb
Ima Spendy Kindaguy, 2018 Bay G 5919773 (Ima Special Kindaguy – Nikki Fritz, By Tejons Lena Nic)
Total QData Earnings: $9,468
Owner/Rider: Mandi Marriott/Amanda Marriott
Ima Special Kindacat, 2018 Chestnut M 5952603 (Ima Special Kindaguy – Br Soula Cat, By Soula Jule Star)
Total QData Earnings: $9,020
Owner/Rider: Kimberly Olson/Kimberly Olson
Special Kinda Dash, 2018 Chestnut S 5901361 (Ima Special Kindaguy – Miss Dakota Dasher, By Hot Dasher)
Total QData Earnings: $7,140
Owner/Rider: Janell Or Jerry Haensel/Lacey Wagner
Truly Special Girl, 2017 Bay M X0731343 (Ima Special Kindaguy – Truly Princess, By Arv)
Total QData Earnings: $5,883
Owner/Rider: Shannon Mcreynolds/Amelia Mcreynolds
Special Kinda Fame, 2017 Gray G 5845390 (Ima Special Kindaguy – Disarray, By Dash Ta Fame)
Total QData Earnings: $5,713
Owner/Rider: Sandra Weathers/Sandy Weathers
Fame French Chic, 2019 Sorrel M 5955801 (Ima Special Kindaguy – Fame Fatale, By Dash Ta Fame)
Total QData Earnings: $5,074
Owner/Rider: Linda And Mike Walker/Linzie Lindsey
QData: 03/01/2025
CONTACT US! Email: [email protected] Website: 19974 St. Onge Road, St. Onge, South Dakota 57779 Phone: 605-641-4283 (Bill’s Cell) 605-641-4282 (Deb’s Cell) 605-642-9789 (Home)